Thursday, January 6, 2011


minggu yg tersangat la memenatkan dan mslh dtg x henti2..hyn tuhan ja yg tau betapa downnya aku minggu nie...dgn assignment bertimbun. faktor2 yg myebabkan aku down adalah assignment laa.tension tahap gaban smpai akhirnya meletup jgk..akan tetapi, dlm kepahitan ada jgk manisnya..hehehe...something happen and it make me so damn happy. trima kasih sbb buat saya happy..LIKE!!!.
inilah kehidupan..dlm sedih ada tawanya..dlm suka ada duka..apa yg perlu kita buat adalah tarik nafas, bertenang, dan cuba utk memikirkan apa yg terbaik utk diri sndr (but not in a selfish way). and bear in mind that every decision that we make will lead us to something and we must be prepare for it. no matter how hard it would be,just remember that u are not alone. U ARE NOT ALONE-- keep that in mind. there are a group of people that will come to us and makes us feel better. and these group are your FAMILY and FRIENDS. even GOD will be there for us.
remember..take a deep breath..and chill..every problem have its own solutions. you just have to think wisely.

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