Friday, May 27, 2011

okay...memang aku buat blog nie macam biskut korang kena laaaa byk2 bersabar ngan akuuu..heehee...tanpa membuang masa aku nk bgtau serba sedikit pa yg jadik kat aku selama nie...
haaaaaa....aku dah keja tauuuuuu...jgn men2...badan ja kochik tapi hati besaq nahhhhhh.ingat aku x bleh buat kerja kahhhh..tengok orang gak la weiiii..masuk ari nie dah SEBULAN DUA HARI aku bekerja di GENE MARTINO. kedai menjual pakaian..da baju kurung, melayu, budak2..baju kemeja nk p keja adaaaa...sluar slack adaaaa..macam2 arrr...mula2 keja memang penat gila kotttttt...besa laaaa...nie first time aku keja jadik promoter...bangga tauuuuu...heehee...

nie la jenama kedai yang aku kejaaa...(tp kedai yg aku keja design dia len sikitt tp lbh kurang arrr)

heeee...mungkin x suma owg tau yg aku memang nk jadik seorang ari ahad nie (29/5/11) aku ada interview utk masuk ke bahagian pendidikan...UJIAN MEDSI aku dah lepassss...hmmm agak terkilan laaa orang yg aku syg tak dapat...kita cuma bleh merancang...yang menharukan aku bila diaowg mintak aku bawak transcript penuh akademik utk medsi nanti...aku mana daaaa benda tuuuu...da kat shah alam tauuuuu...siapakah yang menjadi mangsa aku????...jeng jeng jeng...tak da orang lain laaa kecuali orang yang aku sukaaaa tuuuu...kesian gila kat diaaaa...tak pasal2 kena g main campus n g intec plak..pastu g pos express semata-mata nak hantar transcript tu kat akuuu...aku pulak asyik nak push2 dia jaa.sorry sesangattt!!!
jeng jeng jeng...kedatangan seseorang yang aku nakkkkk sangat jumpaaaa...12 haribulan 6 nie laaaaa dia nk datang...tapi yg x bestnyaaa aku dapat spend time ngan dia sehari jaaaa...hari ahad dia dtg n g tempat keja kitaowg bleh la dinner sekali...esoknya aku cuti..bleh la jumpaaaaaa...ari selasa dia balik g ambik slip spm kat mrsm...gila x best x leh spend time lama2...x pa laaaa...asalkan bleh jumpaaaa...

begitulaaa critanyaaa...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

selamat tinggal.:(

hmm..rupanya dah setahun aku blaja kat uitm shah alam tuh dan skrg dah abih pon asasi program Tesl aku kat sana..seminggu sudah berlalu sjak kakiku meninggalkan Shah Alam dan Universiti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam and i already miss all the fun tha i had there. honestly, i've told myself to NOT TO GET ATTACHED with the new friends especially when EMOTION involved. but then again..this place is so cool..then i found a new friends..Liyana Hasnan, Sarah, Nor Aqida and rmai lagi laaa...
                                     family aku kat uitm shah alam- intec
             (dari atas kiri-liyana hasnan, maiyamin, amira, sarah, haziq, aku)
semestinya satu pengalaman yg xkan aku lupakan..kat sini jgak la aku belajaq berdikari...bgun pagi sendiri, mkn sendri, kira buat pa pon suma sendiri laa...xdak nya nk mintak tulun mak pak dah. hmm..byk yg aku belajaq kat sini tauuuu...i learn to trust people-never trusted people so easily nahhhh....i learn to have crush on someone- pretty shocking isnt it =,=" (i got rejected..he like someone else..hehehehe)..then i learn to love start with friendship then ehemm ehemm(aku dah da balak. cam x caya pon daa) suma tuu kat shah alam..gila rindu shah alammmmmm!!!!
 mlm kemuncak or mlm akhir bersama student tesl -TESLIAN DINNER..aku dah janji kat diri aku sndr yg aku xkan menangis disaat perpisahan dgn member kat sana and i didnt cry at all.. he was so proud at me..he said im a strong girl..hmm mln dinner tuu mmg best..suma lawa2 plak tuu..sgt la gempak..

                                                    aku kat dinner...
esoknyaaaaa...i made a plan so that i could met him for the last time..hmmm what did i do..i told my parents to stop by at meranti so that i could gave back his hard disk( i dod have his hard disk at that moment)..just to make excuse..xp
on my way back to kulim i could not stopped myself from smiling ..WHY!!!..i should cried am i!!!...nahhh..i promise not to cry remember..i remember all the fun that i had there and that make me smile non stop..GUDBYE EVERYONE..HOPE TO SEE YALL AGAIN..LOVE UUUU!!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

beban hilanggg...

huwahahahaha...betapa leganya hatiku bila final drama kitaowg dah selesai...mmg cuak gila la masa tuuu..mcm2 jadik tau x..yg pasti everyone enjoyed themselves and im proud of my fellow classmate who had give their full commitment in this final drama. 2E I LOVE YOU GUYSSSSS!!!! 
hmmm...nk tau x mcm2 jdik oooo masa turn of the character migraine and we were panic at that moment but she managed to pull herself together...damn i am so proud of her...well, we all have our fun during the play.. wanna know funny part of the play..i played the role of mid wife where i have to wear bju kurung kedah (yg mcm opah2 tuuu) and wore kain batik. i also have to ikat kain batik on my head( i dunno how to describe this but it looks funny though)..before my scene we had the bollywood scene where we have the indian dance and i am also one of the dancer. so after the scene i have to quickly change my costume and i did it very quickly with the help of the costume manager and also i got help from other friends. 
so after i finished my act i went back to the back stage and i got there everyone was laughing at me..i was so confuse and suddenly one of my friend said " kechik ko pkai bju terbalik laaa".. everyone was laughing and so did i. then i said "ptut la aku rsa cam nk tercekik ja td..rupanya tbalik" hahahaha..hadoiyaiiiiiii...
our play was superb and we got a good respond from the audience and the lecturers too..
oh i did not mention i got an extra character last2 min..i get to be the maid (without any line of course sebb t'lupa nk bwk kluar set cawan utk tetamu..-,-")..memcapap la kejab yerrr...yg paling x bleh lupa bila diaowg mekap muka aku pny la tebal tp cantik tauuuu...errr aku bukan nk puji muka aku yerrr tp nk puji hasil kerja owg yg dh mekap muka aku niee...thanks to Dini Fareha ;)
hmm daa byk lgi nk cita nieee tp aku dh malas nk smpai sini jo laa yerrr..xp

Friday, February 11, 2011

kau mampu!!!

It’s been a while right…
This week and next week is and will be the most hectic week because my class are having our final drama presentation next week. We are the third and the last performance on that day. Nervous? HELL YESSSS!!! But still we have to do it. Its graded you knowwwww….not just that..hmmm let me list all the assignment that I have to submit next week…
1.      TED forum and paperwork (consist of 3000 words) I like it soo damn much( sarcasticly)
2.       Literature paperwork (it’s a pair work and we have to analysis ‘the flower for Algernon’ and the problem is I HAVENT FINISH READING IT YETTT!!! how am I gonna do this…great…could things get worse)
3.    .  Literature presentation (it’s a group work and my group have to do the plot…the same goes with the 2nd assgment just now but even worse… the worst part is that I haven’t read this novel yet…IM DEAD!!!)
4.       Persuasive speech (have to come one with a topic and I haven’t choose any yet)
5.       Argumentative essay ( a group work but the lecturer didn’t say anything about it yet..)
6.       Drama test  this Monday
7.       Writing test this week ( AND IM READY!!!)
8.       Agama presentation ( tetibe je ustazah suh buat…tp x pa la..buat je laaaaa…)
9.       Oh ya! I also have hafazan again…
10.   Agama test
11.   Quiz 2 listening and speaking
12.   Movie review presentation for college reading class
Hmmm…I think that’s all…hoe nice is this…I have to finish all this before this Monday… HELL YESSSSSS!!!!!!!...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


alkisah bermula...
hari ni aku ada presentation on cause and effect for the writing class and my group consist of 3 people( me, girl A, and girl B). so yesterday i decided to have a discussion in my room..

phone conversation
me: hello..
girl A: yes dear
me: tomorrow we're gonna have our cause n effect presentation u know and we need to discuss about it.
girl A: i know
me: so when are u free today?
girl A: anytime
me: how about it ok?
girl A: okeh..i'll be there..
me: okehh...see u at 9.30
at dawn, girl B is running along the corridor to her room and i stopped her.
me: dear, we suppose to have discussion for presentation tomorrow and what time will your tranning fin
girl B: its not a training so i think it will fin early..maybe around 10.30..
me: okeh2...but can u come to the meeting. arent u gonna be tired??
girl B: its it not fair for me to skip this meeting. we are in the same group
me: okat then. just take your time k..
girl B: okay..

at 9.00 pm. i got a message from girl A saying that she might be late..
" im sorry but i think i gonna be a little late. i'll come at 9.50"

" where the hell is she( girl A)?? and im so fucking sleepy"
while waiting for her, i listen to the music...
10.10pm...patience nadiaaaaa...she'll be here
10.20...a bit annoyed
11.00...dats it!!!!..aini!!!. im gonna lock the door now n if smeone comes tell her im dead!!!!!
11.15...there's knock on the door and aini opened it..there she is..with da sleepy face and muka keciann...moving towards me and starting to hug me and said sorry..
fuck u!!!!!
who do you think u are???
do you know how long i have been waiting????
what!!!!u think u're a princess hah!!!!
fuck offfffffffffff!!!!!!


YOU CAN JUST GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and what happen to girl B..well she managed to come even though she is sooooo tired..which i appreciate so much...
but the presentation turns out  VERY BAD...we've made a lot of mistake with our outline...

Saturday, January 15, 2011


hari merupakan hari ulang tahun Sultan Kedah..maknanya adik2 aku kat sana tgh holiday la nie..jeles plak aku.
anyway..semalamkannnnnn( gediks ckt)..hahaha..semlm aku kuar g beli brg utk demo speech2. dgn siapakah??..phm2 sndr la yeee..hehe..pegi beli brg sekejab je tp meronda ja yg lbh..ya allah..mcm2 jdk tau x..salah jln laa (pdhal owg yg bwk tuh asal owg s.alm jeee...haiiiii mcm mna tuhh).. mula2 nk g beli brg kat tesco tp melencong gi giant.haa..ingat nk crik brg2 demo nie senangkah..kitaowg tawaf giant tuu byk kali tahuuu...pening pala pn da dok pusing ja..sek bek suma brg2 yg aku nk tuu daa..
lps byr kitaowg g PAS plak..nak wat cita plak lappy aku pny charger wat hal..kne la beli yg bru.. dh melayang RM60 henget x pe la..assgmnt pny psl aku beli la jgk..abis tuu xkn nk pinjm owg pny charger kot..melampau la tuu..kahkahkah..sesuatu yg melucukan belaku mse nk parking keta kat PAS..klu nk tau klu aku blik kedah jee n drive, aku mesti akn langgr something..(tp x penah la laggar owg).
1-lnggar pagar umah..(kemek abis keta aku tuh..dh la lggr dpn bapak aku..lps tuh selamba ja aku suh bpk aku reverse keta n aku pn blah ngan keta tuh..sek bek dia x kata pa pa wlaupun kemek truk)
2-langgar kedai mkn..hahaha..jgn salah phm yaa..bukan keta msuk dlm kedai yee..mcm nie..kan kat kedai mkn da yg dok bukak meja yg mcm khemah tuu..haaaa...meja tuh la yg aku lggr..sek bek x da owg kat meja tuuu..pekerja kat kdai tuu sek bek x mrh..yg bestnya esokkan arinya aku selamba ja ngan muka x tau malu gi lepak kat kedai kne perli gak la ngan pekerja kat situ..aku wat bodo ja laa...
3- mse tuh bru abis exam muet kat chio min..jln kat situ ya rabbi,,pny la sempit nk mampus..aku dgn ykinnya myelit la..pdhal bwk keta tuhh..x sedaq diri pny nadia..dok sedap myelit keta aku t'langgar keta yg dok parking kat tepi jln..nsib ang la weii..sapa suh letak keta tepi sgt..n lgpun x da tmpt parking la nk b'enti tgk..sowy..
4- mse tuh dpn kdai anakku kat tmn selasih..aku nk pi beli lauk kat kedai mutiara junjung (kdai nie la yg aku langgar).mse nk parking laa..aku nk adjust la keta aku bg parking btl2..mse nk undur ckt tuh,aku x pasan yg gear x lg keta ke depan la..bamm!!!..tercium bontot keta wira kat depan..fuhhh..nsib baik x bunyi alarm..
hmm..tiap kali aku blik n guna keta jaa..ayah aku mesti ckp "hah..ari nie lggr pa ja???"..
berbalik pd cita kat tmpt parking PAS tuu..owg yg drive tuuu pny la berhati2 nk parking keta..dgn penuh hemat tauu...ttbe..bammm!!!..keta t'cium dinding kat dpn..termelatah jgk la aku..n mau pecah perut gak la aku gelak..kahkahkahkah..dlm dok hati2 tuh pn bleh kna gak tuh..hahha..
hmmm awak dh kne badi sy nieee...hahahahaha...oh yaa...kami g ronda kat sacc mall jgk..msuk kedai VINCCI!!!!...da DUA KASUT TINNGI YG AKU BERKENAN GILA!!!! mhl laa..n x da sale..n aku bru je dpt ksut vincci bulan lepas...TP NK JGK!!!!!!
lps dh selesai urusan mbeli kitaowg g la  mkn..pastu ronda2 smpai ke ptg..
thanks sebb teman sy beli brg n ronda2 yeee..hehehe

okehhh...nie cita len plak..aku bru bc buku mastika td..da la 1 ruangan nie cita psl p'bezaan cuti ank bndar n ank yg dceritakan tuhh mmg btl pn..(nk tau pa yg dtulis kne la beli mastika n bc sndr-nk promote mastika nieee)..dh abis bc tjuk tuh aku tringat plak mse kecik2 dulu..mse arwah maktok ada lg..gmbrn cerita mse cuti yg bdk kmpg tuu mmg hmpir sama ngan mse cuti aku kat kmpg kat umah maktok..
mse ptg2 klu aku g belakang umah makcik nah (kat belakg umah tuhh ada padang batu-aku pggl pdg batu sbb kat situ penuh ngan batu) men ngan ank2 jiran..pastu kat dpn umah makcik nah da mcm beranda tauu..kat situ kami men msak2..buat pulut ketupat dgn pasir n daun mempelam..jdk tauuuuu...fuhhh!!!mmg best arr dok kat kmpg..
yg plng best mse bulan posa..haaaa..meh cheq nk cita..msa bulan posa an syaitan suma kna kmi yg bdk2 nie branie la ckt nk kuar mlm2..bila parents g tarawih jaa, kami pn buat project mercun laa apa lg..selalunya kami men yorok2..mentg2 la setan suma kne ikat annnn...branie laa aku x men arr..TAKOT!!!!..gelap sgt nk nyorok sowg2..bila aku x men aku akn ikut ja sapa yg jdk tukang pencari..msa nie la khidmat aku dperlukan..selalunya aku la yg bosorkan rahsia tmpt diaowg dok nyorok..hahahahaha...sowyy la ekk..abis!!!klu aku x bgtau depa tinggal aku sowg2 dok bwh pokok mempelam tuuu...haram aku x mohhh!!!!
bila nmpk ja owg kuar dr masjid cepat2 kami lari lintang pukang msuk umah...nnti kantoi laa dok men mlm2..slalu jgk aku ngan abg n adik aku kne mrh..sooo..nk cover line..kmi buat rncgn utk x kantoii..
nak tauu kami buat paa...hahahahaha...bukak tv kat ruang tamu n bia je dia nyala..bila nmpk owg kuar dr masjid trus msuk umah n pura2 tgk tv...hehehehe...jahat oooo...jht sbb mbazirkan letrik bohong la klu parents x tau jgk ann..bdn dh bau masam berpeluh sbb men..kaki kotor laa..muka berlenggaih...hahahahaha...duduk kat kmpg mmg best..x da mslh..x panas sgt..n yg pling best dpt mkn buah byk2..byk buah mempelam laa..umah maktok byk pokok mempelam...
klu la arwah msih idup..mse cuti sem ja aku x blik umah dah la gayanya..trus nek bas turun kat butterworth n p umah mak fatihah utk mak tok~aku syg mak tok!!!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

jgn mjuk2 tauuuu....

Yeahhh.. test dah abis tp assgmnt gila byk laaa..1 muka surat jgk la list assgnmnt aku tuh..x tau la nk wat cam na..pening!!pening!!..nielah pdhnya bila procrastinate assgnmt kan..serve u right nadia!!!
crita terbaru oulzzz!!! x sangka plak aku nie pandai jealous..OMG!!.hah..bru tau rase ko nadia.dulu bukan main lg ko kutuk member ko yg tgh gaduh2 n jealous ngan balak diaowg. sakit x nadia??? ohhh...sememang nya sakit tawuuu..apakah sebbnya aku jealous??? jeng..jeng..jeng..sbb da la sowng nie selamba jer nk pegang2 n ramas tgn balak aku.. depan aku tuhhh..wooooo..panas tau x. aku cam biasa la diam jerr. dh lama dh jdk tp aku nie suke dok diam jaa. bukan pa. nk usha tgk dlm 2 3 ari org tuh dok wat lg kaa..
rupanya bukan aku sowg ja yg pasan..teman2 rapat aku pn pasan jgk..ku fikirkan hanya mainan minda sahaja. mula2 bengang gak ngan insan tersyg aku tuh. tp bla pikir2 balik bukan slh dia 100 peratus. aku cuma x sedap la ble dia x bg reaction pa pa..dia bia jer org tuh buat cam tu kat dia..maka dengan ini bermula la sesi merajuk aku yg pertama kalinya. mgelabah dia dibuatnya..maafkan saya yerrr, ikutkan awak x slh pon. rupanya dia pn t'kejut org tuh buat cam tuh  kat dia n dia ingat aku nk tego tp aku x tego pn.aku wat x tau jaa.
nk tahu pa dia buat nk pujuk aku blik..hehehehe..dia pulangkan balik lappy aku td ( i had a problem with virus in my lappy n he knows how to fix laptop)..mse nk pulangkan tuhhhh..dia ckp "bukak lappy n check..da something utk ko". so i went to the library after the class had ended. aimed for a table that has a plug. open my lappy. n there it was. the sticky notes appeared on the screen. it said...

i'm really sorry tau:)
umm, i'll try not to do it again.
here's something for you:
just tell me to stop,
or they'll bring us apart,
i can only fix your laptop,
but you're the one that can fix my heart:D
love youu~XD

why are u so good with poetry!!! hehehe.. then no more majuk2 dh..mgada2 x aku nie..mmg sgt kannnnnn...hahahaha..ada aku kisah..anywayyyy.. the moral value is that never ever ejek2 ur friends jealousy towards their bf when u dont even experience it yet...(the position of the word 'yet' must be at the end of a sentence-just learned it in grammar class today.) =P..
so, i'm so sorry if i acted childishly...maybe i got carried away... it wasn't really your fault. do forgive for my jealousy...